Old Blog

Below is a quick excerpt about a 6 month trip in 2016 around the world. There are several old posts 10 year-old me wrote that you can feel free to explore 🙂 -Jeremy

We are a family of three from California: Becky, Tim, and Jeremy. Becky and Tim work in the Software industry. Jeremy was a 4th Grader at the time this blog was created.

Becky, Jeremy, Tim

How Did We Decide On Travel Around The World?

Taking time off regular life to travel around the world seems uncommon or impractical for professionals like us. How did we come to this decision?

We call this the “un-bubbling of our lives”. Our standard life of going to office, going to school and kid’s activities, and hanging out with friends in these circles, seems to have formed a bubble around us – safe, comfortable and, to a large extent, efficiently managed and predictable. While continuously enjoyable, we feel all three of us need new perspectives to challenge us, and perhaps, introduce some unknown unknowns to our little world.

So how did we decide on the timing and length of the trip? Here are the factors we considered:

  • To minimize the potential impact to Jeremy’s school education. We incorporated the 3 month summer in the plan. Jeremy will be “road / self schooled” for the Fall Semester. He will then finish his 2nd/ Spring Semester of 5th grade back in his current school after the trip.
  • To be around our aging parents. Both our parents are getting older. Becky’s dad just underwent his 3rd brain surgery for meningioma. She was with him in China during the surgery. While the surgery has been successful, he has lost most of his eye vision. We plan to be home at the end of the 6 months in case they may need us to be around.
  • Last but not least, we believe the best time for a change is when we realize we need it – that is, now.

So, will we be on a 6 month vacation? That’s not our plan. Our plan is to live in places and in ways we have not lived for 6 months. We are still figuring out what this means. We will share our journey along the way in 2 formats – mostly as diary by Jeremy, and some periodical posts by the parents, Becky and Tim.

We want to share our journey with the like minded. We also want to hear about your stories.