Are you 10 Years or Older? You Should Become A Certified Diver!

Grear up for Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand

Are you 10 years or older?! If you are, you should definitely become a certified diver. I do not regret my choice of getting certified. Your first breaths underwater during a dive are unimaginable. The greatness of diving is amazing, you gain character traits, you can feel like you are floating, you can greatly increase your number of friends, and witness nature’s magnificence as close as you want for a long amount of time.

Not only can you see and do cool things under water, you can develop patience, responsibility, discipline, maturity, and a good sense of what is safe and what is dangerous while diving. You become responsible because, you have to check yours and your buddys’ gear before every dive. You gain discipline as you go through the course, you learn to listen to your instructor, and you learn to not to play around with the gear. As a youngster, you can become more mature and learn not to goof around in and out of the water. Finally, you can recognize dangers, and you can learn how to handle them.

Dive Prep (in Koh Tao, Thailand), Diary of A Traveling Kid, Family Travelers, Home school while travel, kid blog,

Getting Ready for A dive

When you float underwater, you usually feel a bit like you are going to sink. But, after a couple small adjustments to your floating device, you can get the closest feeling of being in space than ever before. When you master your flotation, you can easily weave up, down, right, and left through whatever underwater obstacles.

Great Barrier Reef 2016, Cain, Australia, Diving, Diary of A Traveling Kid, Family Travelers, Home school while travel, kid blog,

When you become a certified diver, you can join the diver community. Many divers are very friendly, and will easily talk with you. There are many divers out there, each with their own hobby or interest, you will easily find someone who shares an interest with you.

As you dive, you can see many creatures and flora. These animals will not to be seen by looking down all the time like snorkeling. You can get as close as you want, without having a restraint, like your breath. Also, you can interact with playful, or curious animals, such as dolphins, otters, or seals. Or, if you want, see whales, whale sharks, and sharks! The coral create great and beautiful reefs, they come in all different shapes and sizes, from a large flat fanning out coral, to a treelike coral. Some are orange, some are blue, some are very small too.

It is very easy to achieve this goal. The training is very fun, and helps you build confidence in yourself. If you are scared, tell your instructor, and he will give you more attention, and help you do drills you are scared of. I followed the directions, and didn’t get any injuries whatsoever. I think that the best part, was that during training, we didn’t just do drills, we did some fun time where we swam around the beautiful coral reefs. At the end of my training, I was very confident with diving.

PADI Open Water Certified, Koh Tao Thailand, Masterdiver, Diving, Diary of A Traveling Kid, Family Travelers, Home school while travel, kid blog,

Got my PADI Junior Open Water Certificate @ Koh Tao, Thailand with Masterdivers

All benefits of becoming certified are an amazing privilege. From weightlessness to finding friends to having an experience of a lifetime with marine animals. What are you waiting for? Contact your local dive shop for PADI certification courses!